الأحد، 8 سبتمبر 2013

Abnormal eye lid in cats


Entropion is a genetic condition in which a part of the eyelid inverted or folded against the eyeball inward. This leads to irritation and scratches on the cornea-the anterior surface of the Auges--what perforated ulcers or skin to skin. It can be also dark-colored scar tissue on the wound (keratitis pigmentosa) allow. These factors can cause that a loss or loss of vision.

Generally breeds of cats, such as Persians, are only brachycephalic endangered. Entropion is diagnosed almost always around the time that second year of age reached a cat.

Common symptoms are usually excess tearing (Epiphora) and/or inner eye inflammation (keratitis). The eye visible red, or the skin around the eye socket may be sagging. In some cases mucus or pus are signaling a possible infection relief from the outer corner of the eyes clear.

Face shape is the primary genetic cause of entropion in cats. In short-nosed, brachycephalic breeds, there is more tension on the belts of the inner eye than normal. This can be together with the confirmation of her nose and face, turn to the upper and lower eyelids inside lead in the direction of the eyeball.

Large breeds have the opposite problem. They tend to have excess slack in the straps around the outer corners of her eyes. This allows the outer edges of the eyelids after inside folds.

Repeated bouts of conjunctivitis causing spastic entropion, which can result in functional entropion. This can also be caused by other types of eye appeal and is generally the case with cats that have normally no entropion.

Diagnosis of entropion is fairly straightforward investigation and causes or irritants can be treated, surgical correction should before you try. Breeders of cats that are prone to this condition should be checked for eighth on kittens, with them on entropion when open their eyelids not by four or five weeks old.

A type of mucus, which consists of certain salts, cells or leukocytes

A product from liquid, cell waste and cells

A medical condition in which the cornea is inflamed

The excessive production of tears

An animal with a broad head, short stature.

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