الاثنين، 2 سبتمبر 2013

Women will also receive extra boost running intervals

Many athletes and recreational exercisers already know the benefits of interval training: short bursts of high-intensity effort, the fitness can improve.

The strategy could be particularly helpful for women. In comparison, women came to men in a new study, ran the intervals on a treadmill closer to the limits of their cardiovascular, which suggests that her heart get a better workout.

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"I think what our data show that apparently also meaningful differences in how men and women regulate their own workouts", Matt Laurent said of Ohio's Bowling Green State University in a press release. "Especially men tend in our case and women operate at the same level of cardio equipment and also restored between each interval, but the feeling, as they perform the interval runs, the women rather from a relative standpoint of cardiovascular as men work harder."

To see how men and women work differently from interval training, Laurent and colleagues gave it a treadmill test eight people of each sex, mostly in their 20s. At intervals, which lasted four minutes, participants led severely, followed by a recovery interval, simply run a two or four minutes. They ran a total of six intervals and was told, choose a pace that they thought that she could support six by all.

Men tend to run at a faster pace, reported the researchers in the journal of strength and conditioning. But women came closer to their maximum heart rate and oxygen consumption, although both groups thought they work just as hard.

It is not clear why men and women different interval training, to respond to, although estrogen levels are a possible theory.

Similar to previous studies, the new study confirms that intervals work best if the recovery times half as long as the periods of effort.

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Their results delivered, according to the researchers coaches and athletes would make them when planning the interval training. Differently than men might push women for more speed, if she already stressed to their limits are a bad idea.

Also, it is worth for men and women like you feel, about how fast you're going to trust.

"Without that any feedback about your data, all the participants had was set with their pace, while as they felt the run and they felt like restored", said Laurent in the press release. "In this sense when runners perform high-intensity intervals, trust you are running when you push, what you consider hard, are probably at the right intensity and if you recommended work-to-rest ratio tend to get most likely similarly recovered to make the most out of your workout."

Image: iStockphoto

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