الثلاثاء، 10 سبتمبر 2013

Anemia, regenerative in cats


Regenerative anemia occurs when the body loses blood faster than it, can be regenerated in spite of the fact, that the red blood cells in the bone marrow are produced.

Pale eyes and EarsWeaknessRapid heart BeatDepressionSleeping GumsPale more than NormalFailure, GroomWeak AppetiteExcessive PantingHeart MurmurHemolytic anemia: yellow GumsYellowing of the white population by EyesParasites (worms) FleasWoundCancerNon-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as aspirin and IbuprofenHemolytic anemia, by can be: intake of toxic MaterialsIngestion PenniesIngestion onions and/or AcetaminophenBacterial and viral InfectionsDefective red blood of CellsAutoimmune DiseaseParasites BloodComplete blood test (CBC) packed cell volume (PCV) UrinalysisBone test bone marrow aspirate

The name for a type of drugs affects the immunity, metabolism, sexual characteristics and other elements of living things

The removal and destruction of red blood cells

A condition of the blood in the normal red blood cell counts or hemoglobin are missing.

Term to imply that a situation or condition is heavier than usual; also used to a disease have a short run or come on suddenly.

a) inhaling b) of liquid or gas by the law of the suck.

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